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Struggling to Get Back in Shape? Increase Your Fluid Intake!
Are you among those many people whose weight drastically increased after the long Christmas and New Year vacation? Every year, a lot of people really gain weight after the festive Holiday season where foods, drinks, and parties are abundant. And while it is just easy and fast to gain extra fats, burning them in order to get back in shape is quite a tedious process.
If you want to start 2016 right on track and burn those calories you’ve accumulated last December, then you should start your fitness training as early as now. There are a lot of things that you can do to lose weight effectively – go on a diet, engage yourself on sports, or hit the gym – but did you know that despite all your efforts, you still won’t lose weight easy if you do not increase your water intake?
According to the research conducted by the National Institutes of Health, experts have discovered that by merely drinking more water, your metabolism is already boosted – and this would then help you effectively lose weight in a natural way. So, apart from exercising and dieting, make sure to also double your water intake for a speedy weight loss.
But I Don’t Like Water!
While for some people drinking more than 8 glasses of water is very easy, there are some that cannot do it. So, if you are one of those people who cannot drink 8 glasses of water or more on a daily basis, how will you be able to increase your fluid intake? The answer is quite simple, there’s actually another alternative for water that you can drink, and it’s more flavorful than plain water – an infused water.
Unlike plain water, an infused water is mixed with fruits and herbs which gives it a yummier taste. An infused water is basically just like flavored water, except that it’s more organic, nutritious, and of course, cheaper. There’s a lot of easy recipes of infused water that you can make in less than 5 minutes on your home. And since it’s more flavorful, drinking lots of fluid will be an easier feat for you.
Making an Infused Water
In making your own flavored water, it would be much easier if you have a fruit infuser water bottle with you. Although you can make water infused with fruits and herbs using any bottles or glasses, an infuser bottle featured a compartment where you can put all the fruits and herbs. With this compartment, the ingredients won’t get on your way when drinking the water you make. But aside from that, most infuser bottles can hold a lot of water, so you don’t have to make infused water again and again.
So, start the year healthier and fitter by drinking a lot of fluids. Enjoy your 2016!
Losing weight is definitely hard, but there are actually a lot of ways that you can do to shed off your excess fats and get back in shape naturally. Know more about this in our website.
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