Compare Best Cost Weight Loss Surgery in France price of gastric band surgery united kingdom The 36-year-old Australian actor, known for his former role as Joel Samuels on Neighbours, helped his 24-year-old sis shed an impressive 60kgs. The bearded hunk, who also battled with his weight throughout his youth, told WHO in an interview: “I just wanted her to make the change at 24, not 34. “I knew how much more life there was to enjoy, I didn’t want her to wait.” Brodie lost 60kg in two years. At her biggest, the bubbly blonde weighed 146kg. After two years of grueling gym work-outs, pilates, yoga and healthy eating, Brodie dropped five dress sizes and is now a new person, recently saying in an Instagram post: “Life is about so much more than the number on the scales… it’s about challenging yourself & fighting to become the person you want to be.” She credits her famous brother for inspiring her throughout her weight loss journey and helping her “get my arse out the door in the morning” to exercise. “Dan is a high achiever and has always been rooted in fitness. His encouragement has been that when the time is right for you, you will do it. He’s never been, ‘let’s go for a run now’, or anything like that. No two journeys are the same, and he is a phenomenal and wonderful and inspiring person,” she told The Morning Show last week. Brodie revealed on the show she also attributes shedding the majority of her weight to gastric band surgery. “When you are 146kg, you cannot go for a run, you can’t do step ups. After two years, I asked myself if I could do this for another four or five years to get to a healthy weight? And the answer was no. So I undertook gastric surgery, and now I weigh around 80kg.” Dan is a self-proclaimed exercise enthusiast, having previously confessed to Triathlon mag he’s “naturally more suited to being an athlete than an actor.” Read more… For FREE No Obligation Information about the cost Gastric Sleeve Surgery in France Click here gastric sleeve surgery in France | Affordable gastric sleeve surgery abroad | best price for gastric sleeve surgery | cost of gastric sleeve
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