Sheila Lost 35 Kg in one year with Gastric Sleeve Surgery in France Before Surgery in 2015 Sheila L one year after in 2016 Sheila L Gastric Sleeve surgery in Feb 2015 Sheila sent in this Gastric Sleeve Story Testimonial Update in Feb 2016 Well it has now been a year since my Gastric Sleeve Surgery and I have to say that my life is so different. Thanks to Laser Clinic looking after me so well during this year, I have now lost a total of 35 kilos (77 lbs or 5 1/2 Stn). Although this may have been slower than most people, I am more than happy with my weight loss. The support they give before, during, and after is exceptional. I have been able to message Tullia anytime and she has always replied quickly, either by message or phone call. I had the opportunity to talk to the BBC in November 2015 to give a testimonial as to why I decided on a gastric sleeve and how I am now. This was a fantastic opportunity to let people know just how much I have enjoyed the last year and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Laser Clinic to anyone. I can now do a lot more activities with my family and I also have the confidence to go out in public. I am still getting used to buying smaller size clothes, but it is a good feeling. It’s quite strange that it takes a while to stop myself automatically going to the bigger size clothes when shopping ! I am in the process of setting up a gym in my house I currently have a treadmill, vibe plate, exercise mat, mini trampoline, gym ball, so I will be able to increase my exercise without the cost of monthly fees to a gym (as they can be quite expensive). My family encourage the exercise as they are also using the gym, so good move for everyone. I walked to work one morning which is 3.5 miles and hope (once the weather is better) to be walking home from work at least once a week (time allowing). I just wouldn’t have been able to do any of this a year ago. Not only has my shape and weight changed but also my outlook on life, which should now be a lot longer thanks to having the Gastric Sleeve. Thanks for all of your help Tullia Sheila L full details available on request. *”Results are not guaranteed and will vary from person to person” For FREE No Obligation Information about the Cost of Gastric Sleeve Surgery in France Click here #tullialaw #Gastric Sleeve Prices #Gastric Sleeve Testimonials
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