Gastric band Surgery In France All you need to know about fat-soluble vitamins As the name suggests, fat-soluble vitamins are a type of vitamin that is absorbed into the body through fatty tissue.The human body requires a variety of vitamins to keep working properly. There are two types of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamins are often obtained through regular food intake. Some people require or want additional vitamins provided through supplements. Though both types of vitamin are important to the body, this article focuses on the types, functions, and sources of fat-soluble vitamins. What are fat-soluble vitamins? Fat-soluble vitamins provide the most benefit when consumed alongside foods that contain fat. Fat-soluble vitamins will not dissolve in water. Instead, fat-soluble vitamins absorb best when taken with higher-fat foods. Once absorbed into the body, fat-soluble vitamins are stored in fatty tissues and liver. The body can use these stores for future use. The water-soluble vitamins are vitamins B and C. There are four types of fat-soluble vitamins: Each type of fat-soluble vitamin promotes different functions in the body. People deficient in the fat-soluble vitamins may require supplements to boost their supply. However, it is possible to take in too much of a fat-soluble vitamin, which could lead to toxicity and adverse reactions. Vitamin A Vitamin A plays an important role in maintaining healthy vision. Without vitamin A, a person would suffer from severe vision issues. Types Vitamin A does not refer to one single vitamin but is a collection of compounds known as retinoids. Retinoids can be found both in the human body and in some food sources. Function Vitamin A supports several functions throughout the body. Some of the most important functions it supports include vision and the immune system. Dietary sources Vitamin A can be obtained through natural sources. Some sources include: fish liver oil liver of animals butter Animal sources provide the active components to help create retinols within the human body. Some plants also provide pro-vitamin A compounds known as carotenoid antioxidants. The most common is called beta carotene, which can be found in foods such as: kale carrots spinach Recommended intake The recommended intake of vitamin A varies by age and gender. The following are some recommended daily allowance values: infants (0-12 months): 400-500 micrograms (mcg) children aged 1-3: 300 mcg children aged 4-8: 400 mcg children aged 9-13: 600 mcg adult women: 700 mcg adult men: 900 mcg Deficiency Vitamin A deficiency is not common in developed countries. However, vegetarians are at a higher risk of a deficiency because they do not get some kinds of vitamin A through their normal diet. Similarly, people in developing countries with limited food sources or people whose diet is low in meat intake may also suffer from vitamin A deficiencies. Some signs of vitamin A deficiency include: Overdose It is possible to reach toxic levels of vitamin A. This condition is called hypervitaminosis. People who take vitamin A supplements or eat copious amounts of fish liver oils are at the highest risk. Pregnant women should not double up on their prenatal vitamins. High levels of vitamin A are harmful to a growing fetus. If a person experiences an overdose, they may experience symptoms ranging from headaches and fatigue. In severe cases, hypervitaminosis in a pregnant woman may result in a baby with birth defects. Vitamin D Vitamin D is produced by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D is produced naturally in the human body when the skin is exposed to the sun. Vitamin D aids in bone health and development. Types Similar to vitamin A, vitamin D is a collective term used to describe a collection of compounds. Collectively, these are often referred to as calciferol. There are two types found naturally: vitamin D-3, found in animal fats vitamin D-2, found in plants, such as mushrooms
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